Hi, We're Disco Stu, You may remember us from such shows as "A Very Mary Valentine", or "Here comes Disco Stu, the Electric Boogaloo." Basicly this is our images area. You will hopefully soon be seeing pictures of shows, as well as other random images related to the band.
Listed below are links to photos done for our HotDog Tree album as well as a few random images you may find linked from other places on the site.
- this picture used to be on the main page. Usually the most accurate as to who is in the band.
- Is Bugsy falling over? Probaly not, but it sure looks like he could.
- Blue Skys Over Dundalk signed by Mary for Bugsy
- a simpsons or futurama rendition of Bugsy by Miss Jennifer Rosario
We found the following two pictures on the net and sort of added our own captions. We have no idea who the girl is. She was just some girl with a guitar. I doubt we have permission, so please don't sue us.
- Disco Stu...we like guitars
- Disco Stu...because we can.
These pictures got us to wondering if anyone has any pictures from stu shows. Due to time factors we haven't had time to scour our computers for decent ones to put up. We would be glad to put some up if by some chance someone has a pic or two.