2/12/04 Bugsy here. Figured we should probably give you info on the shows. The 14th is at T.T. Reynolds in Fairfax and the other is at The Chameleon Club in Lancaster. This also seems to be as good a time as any to tell you that we have a new drummer, Sam from Sylvan Screen! He won't be playing at these shows, since he doesn't know the songs yet, but given him time. The boy's good.
SAtCW here again to tell you about important news. Mary Prankster has offered us TWO shows. Thats right TWO. We are playing Valentines day in fairfax, and on the 26th in Lancaster,PA. I'm sure Bugsy or I will update with better details when time allows. Hope to see you all at the shows!
Sexy Andy the Carnage Wizard here. LOTS OF NEWS. Although, I'm sure you all could figure that out seeing as how it has been over a year from the last post. The vault show went decent. There were few people other than our friends and family there. We got our expenses covered, and We had a good time. I don't think Bugsy or I talk to Colin anymore. We have possibly recruited a new drummer. I'm sure Bugsy will update you as that situation changes. We've written some new songs. We opened an acoustic show for Mary Prankster thanks to Bugsy's friend Rachel. We have also been getting into musical improv. Thats all for now.
Yergh. Well, I'm sure you all knew that the Dec 5 show didn't happen, what with the snow and all. Here's the rockin new news, though. Just got a show offer for January 3, and we'll be HEADLINING! Vhat a country. We'll be playing with Axum, Mobtown Kings, and Ruby Minor. More updates, and hopefully fliers, to follow.